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Petronas Internship

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From mid-April to August 2021, I was undergoing my Internship in PETRONAS, where I did feel so grateful and thankful for given such opportunities, training in such of giant scaled company in Malaysia.

However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I was appointed to work from home (WFH) mostly, throughout normal office hour. Discipline and strong commitment were needed for such environments, as punctuality, consistency and motivations were the key factors in making WFH went smooth and succeed. I admitted that I did learn a lot about time management and tasks planning throughout the new norm.

discipline and strong commitment

trained in Work From Home (WFH) modes

The position I was offer was Data Scientist Internship, which under a department called PD&T in PETRONAS. First and foremost, I would like to present a huge shoutout and appreciation to my superiors and supervisors, including Miss Fathia and Miss Wahidah, as well as other fellows who made my internship went smooth and succeed.

My main tasks during the data scientist internship could be categorized into few different fields, including yet not limited to ETL (Extracting, Transforming, Loading) process, Data Engineering, Data Visualization, Data Analysis, and Data Prediction.

The ETL process and Data Engineering I been doing were the handling of raw data. I was given some huge datasets, one of them including more than 10 thousand rows of COVID-19 information in particular places. By treating them, I transformed the tables into organized form, consolidated few tables into one single main table, and most importantly enhanced the table until the extent of supporting any form of real time updates.

Efforts like cleansing data, impute them based on few different features for instance grouping them, judge the usability of the data were one of the main tasks too. I too treated the datasets with data retention skills, where be prepared some of the information are useful ahead, while disposing those relatively less helpful data. Worth to mention I had created web-crawling modules to efficiently extract data from appointed governmental website.

Next, I focused on Data Visualization and Data Analysis tasks, which mainly aimed to provide a clear, simple, straight-forward form of report, including necessary graphs and charts, with appropriate colors and visual effects, to represent and visualize those organized data. I had a great experience in building few useful yet interactive dashboards using Microsoft PowerBI, where responsible in reporting COVID cases, from active, new cases to ICU, demised cases. I too create filters based on areas or states to allow internal users to have better overview behalf of desired places.

The visualization experiences were followed by analysis tasks. Using the dashboards, I did present them to few superiors, in providing professional insights, advice, and explanations in how the data behaved. From reasoning to brainstorming, I gained and learnt unforgettable experiences, and most importantly trained to present and contribute in a way what a company wants, was one of the greatest getaways!

Finally, I created predictive models by using Azure Machine Learning, where I connected the data from SharePoint to Azure, hence any forms of latest updates and changes were always allowed. I started the prediction developments by defining the core pipeline and architecture for machine learning. Then, I trained the data using few model architectures, including Linear Regression, Multiclass Decision Forest, Multiclass Neural Networks etc. and compare the results. By using the model which providing the most decent predictive outcomes, I deployed and implemented it in sheets for future use. Hence, users could provide few inputs to foresee the predicted value for next day.

Above were the main Data Science experiences sharing that might worth your time, and certainly there were still lots of minor tasks during daily workplace which I couldn’t make it one by one explained here. Frankly speaking, the entire experiences were great, unforgettable, professional, and highly related to my field of profession. Grateful, I would like to express and appreciate, in given such position an opportunity behalf of my internship.

Below was some sharing about exciting, positive vibe yet memorable events, tokens of appreciation and some photos!

This was the Supervisor Evaluation Form about my performance and supervisor’s expression for my internship! I would like to hereby show my appreciation and gratefulness to Ms Fathia, who taught and inspired me a lot. Thank you!
This was one of the event called Collaborative Taskforce. It was one of the unforgettable moments meeting with a lot of superiors and supervisors throughout group meetings.
This was the token of appreciation behalf one of the meaningful events where we, HSE DNTT cooperate with fellows from Samsung. In that event, I was one of the emcees and fortunate enough to help in making this possible. Shout outs to Mr Farid and supervisors!
Some memorable photos about myself in PETRONAS Twin Towers lobby during internship!

Thank you for being with me about my internship experiences sharing until now. I hope you do enjoy readings, and wish you all the best ahead! See you!